
Thursday, August 15, 2013

EDLD 5301 in Review

Finally!  I have truly struggled every single week in this class, and I cannot pinpoint exactly why.  Maybe it has to do with my lack of focus, my impending return to work, or just the repetitive nature of the assignments.  But, I have learned a good bit, although mostly new terminology.  I've been doing action research for years in my classroom, as a campus employee, and as a district employee.  I never really knew it had a name and I was unaware of the process.  I can honestly say that if I have learned nothing else from this class, I learned how to lay out my plan for research.  I can definitely see the benefits of action research at the campus and district level.  Principals could make it a very productive tool for their schools.  In conclusion, I look forward to actually doing my research and working with the wonderful people on my campus to make the learning improvements that hopefully my research will help create.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie,
    it is great that you already have experience with the action research. Good luck.
