
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Action Research and How To Use It

What I have learned about action research and how I could use it.

Action research is a specific type of research meant to be implemented into a school setting.  It is very different from traditional research because you are not simply gathering data, reading it, and regurgitating it in written form, it becomes a living, breathing document.  Although you do gather data and read it, action research goes beyond traditional research by pinpointing an educational issue, formulating strategies for improvement, implementing and evaluating the strategies, and clarification that results in new problems and areas for improvement (Dana, 2009, p. 5).  Action research is useful at all levels in a school district.  It can be used in central office settings to unify all departments to work toward a common goal.  It can be used with administrative teams to create “a culture of collaboration couples with educational reform, accountability, and improved standards” (Dana, 2009, p. 21).  And, in my opinion the most important, at the campus level.  With the principal as leader/facilitator/coach and the teachers involved, action research creates a collegiality and camaraderie.  The principal and teachers work together as a team and this creates buy-in for everyone involved.  When a group of teachers work together to bring about change climate and morale are built and the students benefit from this.

Educators Using Blogs

How can educational leaders use blogs?

Blogs are an excellent way for educational leaders to keep students, parents, and teachers updated about the happenings on their campus and/or district events.  Relevant information can be posted on the blog, which may be accessed at any time by those needing that information.  Blogs can be linked to school webpages for easy access.

Collaboration is another great way for blogs to be used in education.  Teachers, principals, and campus leaders can share a wealth of information on a blog.  In our fast-paced society today sometimes little time is taken to sit down and share information so that we might learn from others.  Sharing information through a blog allows users to contribute information as their schedule allows.